Sunday, October 12, 2008

Plural bids!

I am so very happy right now. Well, I'd probably be happier if I were asleep, but as the beastie referred to as Slumber is eluding me at the moment, I will have to make do with the fact that I sold another piece of obsolete second-hand clothing on eBay! That in itself is good (yay money), but what's even better is that, for the first time in my eBay selling history, I've had more than one bid on the item in question. People actually competing to give me their money. Love it!

I don't whether it is because I have more feedback now, or because more people were fearing the cancerous effects of the sun at 12:30pm on Saturday or because a bizarre proportion of eBaying females like to wear the colour orange (seriously, who digs orange that much?) - but I'm happy with the outcome in any case. My expectations are exceeded, and, bit by bit, people are giving me money for my mammoth behemoth sized mountain of unwanted clothing. This clothing boulder that I am purging from my possession and would otherwise be given away to the op shops (Australian-US translation: vintage stores) is actually translating into $$ in my bank account. Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles.

All I can say is; keep the bids coming Australia.


scribe said...

HEY!!! I clicked on the link form my blog and no disclaimer came up!

Anonymous said...

Are Americans advertised Australian stuff on eBay?

American hotties will be all up in your clothes when this global recession caused by us hits us first.

How unfair!

Althea said...

Gah! Blogger just ate my comment. I was about to praise their wisdom in returning my blog to it's rightful status but you can forget that.

Unless you add the .au to the com or specify an international search, you only get local items. With the exception of searching rare items.

Your idea of marketing directly to the US women intrigues me. It would seem that the market for second hand clothing would have broadened in recent times. However, I'm loath to give eBay any more money and it's unlikely that any Merrikans would bid, as postage costs between here and there are monstrous.