Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Wow. I mean, just, wow.

Quick question; has anyone else ever had a blog locked due to it allegedly looking like a spam blog? The landscape of Planet Blog sure has changed.

Dear Blogger personnel: I am not a computer program of any variety and I'm not actually selling anything. Kindly dismiss any suspicion regarding this matter and remove the associated notice from my dashboard.

In other news, I have decided to scrap the blog formerly known as SoapBox Time, and merge any future content of that blog with this one.


Anonymous said...

I had to click a "proceed to be victimized' button to get here. from your profile.

Let us campaign against Big Brother Blogger to unleash Althea by giving notice that we will switch to Typepad, or even Blogger's nemisis, Wordpress.

Oh, and thanks for that notice from Abercrombie & Fitch!

scribe said...

You are such a troublemaker! Let's have sex!!!

Althea said...

Rudy: Your victimisation is now almost complete. Once you've received unsolicited advertisements from about 50 other corporate entities, and you're contemplating suicide as an attractive and viable option, we'll move onto the next victim.

Scribe: That's almost as alluring as "I find the most erotic part of the woman to be the boobies." Almost.

DaBich said...

Ah...you are so infamous, i want your autograph!!!!!

c nadeau said...

Dammit that was my followup line except I was gonna say booty.

c nadeau said...

Oh, this is my latest blog come visit and comment and flash some boobie

Althea said...

Dabich - Thanks dB, it's nice to be back!

Ca Nadeau - In the words of my Louisiannan grandma's words: "Yer dreamin." I'll probably check out the blog though, once I dig my way out of these applications. *grumble grumble groan*