Monday, October 6, 2008

Why volleyball is better than sex

Volleyball is fantastic. As an activity, it kicks ass over sex. Don't get me wrong, I am not a prude. In fact, I am a card-carrying fan of the feel-goods associated with sexual activities. Nonetheless, I rate volleyball higher, and here's why;
  • There are less injuries in volleyball.
  • Volleyball is played with the adversaries on the other side of the net.
  • If there are any injuries sustained during volleyball, it's the fault of you and yours, not those that you're playing against.
  • You get more exercise in volleyball. I know, I know, it's not like soccer or Aussie rules where you're running around like a spastic monkey the whole time, but it's definitely more of a cardiovascular workout than the horizontal tango. Last time I checked, sex does not typically involve any amount of running or jumping.
  • Volleyball smells less. Human sweat is very stinky though very natural. Human sweat combined with other bodily secretions? Not exactly my top choice for an variety of air freshener.
  • What little intimacy is involved in volleyball is light and uplifting (rather unlike romantic intimacy).
  • The more you play volleyball, the better it gets. The more you have sex, the less imagination goes into it and the less pleasure per play you receive.
  • Volleyball does not inspire any soul-searching questions such as "Do I really want to be playing this game against that opponent?" or "What annoying series of events is going to be set in motion after this set is finished?"
  • I am good at volleyball.
None can dispute it; volleyball wins!


Anonymous said...

Only in volleyball can one of your team mates set you up and give you the opportunity to spike a ball on an opponents head.


Althea said...

Hitting a ball on an opponent's head is not an ideal strategy. There's a very good chance that it will simply bounce off them and remain in play. What you really want to do is slam that ball straight down at maximum speed onto the hard, unforgiving surface of the ground.

In volleyball, that is.

Anonymous said...

Your reply caused me to spill... umm spike all over the ground.

I'm very flexible in theory. Even when I am not so flexible otherwise and such what not.

**wink wink**

Althea said...

*shakes head disparagingly*

Tim said...

theultimate two-fer. A few good sets of volleyball and then some sex.

Rudy would like that.