Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Existing In The Place Between Places

Ah, transition. Could there possibly be anything better? Except, oh, I don't know...actually knowing where you're going and what you'll be doing and that you'll be able to afford rentish and billish type things??

A lot has happened since I last posted. I got on the aforementioned plane for starters. I have now officially commenced the next leg of the journey which is: Finding The Means To Prevent Having To Crawl Back To Hometown With Tail Between Legs. (Also known in some parts looking for a job.)

To all the Melbourne folk who I know and adore who may be reading this - apologies for being somewhat less than social during this transition-time, but it's the way that it's got to be. I needs bag me an income. Until such time, I will probably be all but inaccessible.

Know that the time is productively spent however. As endearing as my shotgun approach to job seeking is, I've been conducting motivational, aptitude and personality tests on myself for the purposes of narrowing down options a bit. With some interesting, but mostly unsurprising 'career match' results. Although, my sister and I had a really good long laugh about the prospect of telling our parents that I was going throw away my university education and become a beautician because a book said that it was one of my career matches.

Once I got up off the floor and wiped the tears of laughter from my eyes, I put together a hierarchy of options, based on interest and likelihood. Basically, the plan, if it can indeed be called that, is to continue applying IT project positions, get a job nice and quickly in this area. After I get a place and get settled, I'm going to take a short course in one of the areas that actually interests me (omfg) and makes good use of my innate talents (omfgiah) and obtain a job in that area. There are a lot of variables, but I believe that it can be done. Alls I got to do for the moment is keep applying and approaching orgs.


DaBich said...

Good luck on the search! Keep us posted.

Althea said...

Thanks sweetness