Monday, January 19, 2009

Karma Part 1 - Existence Of

I find it extremely amusing when people utter the self-righteous phrase "I believe in karma." Almost as though it is an idea that requires an enormous leap of faith. To those people who probably are far too enlightened to follow this blog; let me assist in casting aside any doubt you may have - we're not exactly talking about a concept of great mysticism. A commonly accepted root definition of the term is as follows;

Karma is a fundamental concept which has no direct translation into English. It has multiple levels of applicability and can approximately be defined as the natural order of action and each action has an associated result (often called fruit of the karma). (more)

Each action has an associated result. Hmm. I don't know, it seems pretty far-fetched. Let's go over this again. Natural order of action, the organic sequence relating to action. Action(s) occurs, consequence(s) ensue. Sounds an awful lot like....

*pauses for dramatic effect*

That's right - it's cause and effect people! Wow! I'm just in awe of the supernaturality of it all! Things are, like, totally related to each other!

I have more to say on this topic, but at the moment, I'm just too overwhelmed by the divinty of it all to be able to be able to continue at this point!

Stay tuned for Part 2.


Anonymous said...

Whaaat? Karma is a menace of the darker segments of our world's society. Beauty is only skin deep. Please comtinue.

Althea said...

Very profound indeed Sir 'Dy. I will address your entirely valid concerns in my next installment.

scribe said...

What grinds my gears as a Buddhist who didn't get his Buddhism from the bookstore is when people refer to Karma as something that can be harnessed and used to one's advantage. it is actually a trap generated by a grasping ego and is to be divested if possible.

Althea said...

You make a good point, but I disagree with your conclusion. I may have to turn this post into 4/5 part series.